The Calvary Road: The Way of Personal Revival

Roy Hession

Language: English

Publisher: Unknown Publisher

Published: Oct 15, 2010


In 1947 Roy Hession had a life-changing experience. Although a full–time evangelist, by his own admission, his ministry had grown tired and dry. But when a group who had been experiencing true revival in East Africa came to England and shared the lessons they had been learning, his life and ministry were transformed.

Those truths, which are the very essence and way of revival, are here relayed. For those really seeking revival in their own lives, and an experience of liberty, joy and power in service, the way to those blessings is clearly described. The book that has led so many into a genuine experience of revival will surely do the same for every believer who is truly hungry.

“This is one of the books that made the greatest impact on me as a young Christian. I would recommend every believer to read it, and to follow up on it by reading We Would See Jesus.”— George Verwer (Founder of Operation Mobilisation)

Since it was first published in 1950, The Calvary Road has sold well over a million copies. In all, Roy Hession wrote ten books which together have been produced in over 80 languages.