This book, produced by Andy Peck, focuses on revival and will encourage readers to seek God in a whole new way, praying for revival to come - recognising it is always a work of God yet that it is preceded by humble but earnest prayer and a longing for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. God Unannounced consists of six weeks of Bible readings, thoughts and prayers, from various contributors from a broad theological spectrum including Greg Haslam, George Otis Jr, Jonathan Conrathe and Gerald Coates, with questions at the end of each week and each weekend stories of revival from around the world written by Andy Peck. The reader will sense the writers' humble passion for God and it is our prayer that their Scripture soaked perspectives might be then means of adjusting the reader's own particular outlook, stimulating their thinking, encouraging their hearts, creating an expectation and expanding their vision for what God can do in their lives, churches and land.
This book, produced by Andy Peck, focuses on revival and will encourage readers to seek God in a whole new way, praying for revival to come - recognising it is always a work of God yet that it is preceded by humble but earnest prayer and a longing for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit. God Unannounced consists of six weeks of Bible readings, thoughts and prayers, from various contributors from a broad theological spectrum including Greg Haslam, George Otis Jr, Jonathan Conrathe and Gerald Coates, with questions at the end of each week and each weekend stories of revival from around the world written by Andy Peck. The reader will sense the writers' humble passion for God and it is our prayer that their Scripture soaked perspectives might be then means of adjusting the reader's own particular outlook, stimulating their thinking, encouraging their hearts, creating an expectation and expanding their vision for what God can do in their lives, churches and land.