In 'Trinity – Song and Dance God', Roger Forster explores the powerful dynamism of the Trinity in his creative and incisive examination of our three-parts God. Vital for individual understanding and for explaining Christianity to others, this is a must-read for Christians of any age. ‘A treasure chest of theological gems, polished by Roger and rearranged in dazzling settings of his own. For Christians who struggle with the doctrine of the Trinity as some kind of unsolvable mathematical conundrum, Roger breaks throught his impasse by showing us that the Trinity is more like a community of love, where the unbroken relationships of Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist in an eternal divine dance. This book demonstrates that the Trinity is not a take-it-or-leave-it doctrine. It is at the very heart of our worship and theology.’ Professor Andrew Walker, Kings College, London ‘A full-blooded experience of the Christian God needs a fullblooded understanding of the Trinity. The latter is to be found here, the former, in my experience, will follow.’ Professor Rob George, Kings College, London
In 'Trinity – Song and Dance God', Roger Forster explores the powerful dynamism of the Trinity in his creative and incisive examination of our three-parts God. Vital for individual understanding and for explaining Christianity to others, this is a must-read for Christians of any age. ‘A treasure chest of theological gems, polished by Roger and rearranged in dazzling settings of his own. For Christians who struggle with the doctrine of the Trinity as some kind of unsolvable mathematical conundrum, Roger breaks throught his impasse by showing us that the Trinity is more like a community of love, where the unbroken relationships of Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist in an eternal divine dance. This book demonstrates that the Trinity is not a take-it-or-leave-it doctrine. It is at the very heart of our worship and theology.’ Professor Andrew Walker, Kings College, London ‘A full-blooded experience of the Christian God needs a fullblooded understanding of the Trinity. The latter is to be found here, the former, in my experience, will follow.’ Professor Rob George, Kings College, London